Becoming a Nun

Becoming an able Sister : you have received the calling to help the smaller and weaker in testimony to the Evangile of Life. To wish to devote yourself entirely to God alongside our Little Sisters affected by Down’s syndrome. 

A period of Novitiate is carried out before taking temporary and permanent vows. 

« Come and See » ! If God calls you, he bestows his grace and the joy of being consecrated with the Little Sisters affected by Down’s syndrome. 

 « Be not afraid» (by Pope Jean–Paul II) to devote yourself to God with the smaller … in testimony to the Evangile of Life (encyclical by Pope Jean–Paul II).

For young able women having received their religious vocation, it is possible to do a retreat with us to see whether the Lord has called you here.

The Little Sisters affected by Down’s syndrome can only fulfill their religious vocation if there are also able bodied Sisters who devote their life to God alongside them. 

Why should these young women affected by Down’s syndrome renounce their vocation ?

We learn to receive everything from God, to pray for the priests, to the aims of the Church, and to the specific intentions which are entrusted to us. 

A life of work guided by the wisdom of Saint Benoît.